Photo - ©2007 Ranna - Prismatic Polarity Colours







Pic - Dr Randolph Stone - developer of Polarity Therapy
DEVELOPED BY Dr Randolph Stone (D.O., D.C., N.D.) (1890-1981) during more than 60 years of clinical practice, Polarity Therapy views dis-ease, illness, and symptoms as complex patterns of disharmony within the human system. These patterns of disharmony can involve many factors including energy blockages and disturbances of the energetic system. Polarity Therapy accepts that when there is such disruption or blockage in the energy flows in the human energy field and energy systems of the body, dis-ease arises. Removing these blockages and restoring energy flow facilitates the body's own capacity to achieve wellness. Click here for Practitioner Training info.
Pic - Polarity Therapy book cover

THE BENEFITS AND PRACTICE of Polarity Therapy rest on four pillars, addressed in various ratios according to the practitioner's assessment of the client's needs, in concert with the client's process and readiness:

  • Therapeutic Touch
  • Self Awareness (the mind-body connection)
  • Energy Exercise
  • Energy based dietary principles

Polarity Practitioners use specific protocols to assist their client's own physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual resources to mobilize towards health, effecting their own healing through their own process. To achieve this, Polarity Therapy integrates Western knowledge of human anatomy and the human nervous system with several branches of Asian traditional medicine. With strong underpinnings from Ayurvedic medicine from India, Polarity Therapy also encompasses knowledge from Dr Stone's clinical experience as a Chiropractor, Osteopath and Naturopath, and it incorporates influences from Chinese medicine, to name a few.

That is, Polarity Therapy is an extensive and sophisticated hybrid with specific protocols for multitudes of conditions. It is, therefore, also remarkably effective. Now, with a track record of over 80 years in assisting people with many dis-ease conditions, Polarity Therapy is both the "oldest" contemporary energy wellness method and perhaps the most complete.

Working as a Polarity Therapist is one of the most rewarding and helpful expressions of care and compassion for others .Click here for Practitioner Training info.

PRACTITIONER TRAINING - full information.

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PO Box 98, Lawson, NSW, Australia.



(Information provided courtesy of Energy Therapies Institute.)

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